Sunday, June 16, 2013

U.S. Military

SGT Healey
The reason why I chose to be in the military was heavily influenced by my father. Having my dad come home in his uniform proud as can be made me honored to be his son. That was just the tp of the iceberg though. Knowing that I have the ability to vote, to speak, to choose my own path I knew that the only way to really keep that was to do my part.
I felt that if I served and did a portion of service to my country I would be able to feel comfortable through my life knowing that I had done the best I could. I have served for two tours to Afghanistan and Iraq/Kuwait for a year each. I truly am honored to have helped people not just from our own country, but others in a far away land. Nothing is more exciting than the ability to give my love and passion for this country, for my flag. My God, my family, and my country are the only things that matter and helped me to pursue my career within the military. I will always continue to feel that with my choices to volunteer have only made me a better person, and of course create and construct an intimate love for my country. 

SGT Cory Hudgins
I decided to join the marines because my grandfather was a marine. I also had a deep passion to give back to a county that has given us so much.

OC Devon Renshaw
while serving a two year sabbatical for my church in Orlando, FL I felt inspired by god on a few occasions while reading the scriptures and praying about joining the armed forces. I feel deeply that it is important to serve my country to protect mine and my loved ones lives and freedoms, and to make a positive impact in the world.

Second Lieutenant: David Brasero
I joined the army for many reasons, all of them basically stem down to the fact that I feel extremely blessed. It is for this reason that I serve, I feel compelled to serve because of the blessings I have received thus far.

*The following has been asked for his name and photo not to be posted online.*
Master Sargent 
I first joined the air force purely for training, but then felt the comradery with the people I worked with and it just felt right to stay in. I realized that  could better the lives of the soldiers of the military and the people I worked with, and that I could help soldiers to better what they were already doing. i liked the people I worked with and felt that I could make a difference and help to make the military a little better in doing my part. 
The oath of enlistment are powerful words to me and reminds me of the importance of the constitution. My job means much more to me now because of the people who have died for our country.

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