Monday, June 17, 2013


I never truly knew how diabetes effected people until someone very close to me was diagnosed with diabetes within the last year. So I set out on this project to meet the people who have to deal with it every day, their are no breaks for them, it is something that has to be thought about and taken care of constantly. These are just seven of the 18.8 million people in America who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
 The normal blood glucose level (tested while fasting) for non-diabetics, should be between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). 
 Jeralee was diagnoes with type two (non insulin dependent) diabetes within this last year. Her eyesight had been making some abnormal changes, when she went to the eye doctor they told her she should go get tested for diabetes, and sure enough the test came out positive. She knew of no one in her family who had diabetes, but after telling her three brothers about her diabetes she found out that all of them were on the same medicine for diabetes that she was being prescribed  meaning all of them to be either borderline diabetics or in denial of their situation. During the first part after being diagnosed while getting her diet under control, her eye sight was changing constantly and her body lost a lot of weight. Within just months of learning she had diabetes she was able to go off the medicine that she had been prescribed for her diabetes as long as she keeps up her diet, in other words she worked so hard that she had basically reversed her diabetes. The one food she misses the most is sour dough bread.

 Tiffany, who is now twenty-five years old was diagnosed with type two diabetes when she was two years old. Her mom noticed the signes when her little girl was begging to drink more water constantly. Tiffany shared with me that for  a while in her life she struggled to maintain her blood sugar level, basically out of denial. A couple years after graduating from high school she had diabetic retinopathy (which is what causes those with diabetes to go blind) and had to have surgery, although it didn't impair her vision this experience and being an expecting mother a few years later, is what made her realize that she needed to take better care of herself and maintain her diabetes. She now wears an insulin pump to help her to maintain healthy and to make sure she takes her insulin when needed. If she were here right now she would tell you that diabetes affect EVERY aspect of your life. Tiffany is a mother, wife, dancer, and cosmetologist. 

Alex has had type one diabetes for twenty one years. He was diagnosed at two years old. After losing a lot of weight and being extremely thirsty all the time while on a road trip his mother noticed something was high and tested his blood sugar levels, they were too high to even account for on the test strip. He got an insulin pump eleven years ago to help him better take care of his diabetes, his insulin pump is pink :) Before that his parents would have to come to school to give him shots, in which he got about five times a day. When he was younger Alex blood levels got so low that it caused him to have seizures a couple of times, this was the cause of a defective pump that was not giving him enough insulin.

 Krissy is now eight years old and was diagnosed with type one diabetes when she was three. Her mother noticed the signes of her being extra thirsty all the time and needing to go to the bathroom, she knew those signs due to having a sister (Tiffany) and a father who are diabetic. Krissy use to have to take five injections a day, and now has an insulin pump. Each year in school when Krissy gets a new teacher they have to talk with the teacher to make sure she knows what Krissy can eat, she also has an aid at school who checks her blood sugar level throughout the day. Her mom said that diabetes effects everything, you constantly have to be thinking about it and making sure her levels are okay. "You can maybe go two hours with-ought worrying about it", and then you have to check on her and make sure everything is okay. 

 Angelina is a twelve year old girl who found out two years ago that she is type one diabetic. She was eating and drinking a lot, but also losing a lot of weight, that's when her mom decided to take her to the doctors when she was diagnosed with diabetes. Two of the foods she wish she could eat more of is chocolate and dough-nuts. She gives herself insulin shots about five times a day. She says that when her levels are too low she gets shaky, hungry, and can't remember things. When she is too high she it causes her to be in a bad mood and have headaches. Diabetes effects her life constantly because she can't just eat whenever she wants to, she has to check or take insulin first. Since Angelina cheers for 3 or 4 hours a day sometimes she has to bring food and her insulin to practice.

 Glen who is now 81 found out at age 60 that he had type two diabetes. He claims that in the beginning he was in denial because he didn't feel like he had a problem, so he didn't take care of it. He takes 5 different medicines for diabetes and also has to take some high blood pressure medication because of his diabetes. Not only does he have to worry about taking care of his diabetes, but he says that it makes other health problems worse. Their is nothing in your body that diabetes doesn't effect. Both him and his wife (pictured below) have Diabetic Neuropathy which cause severe pains in your feet at night that come and go, and also numbness in your feet.
Anne and her husband both have diabetes, she makes sure to take care of the both of them and make sure their blood sugar levels ar where they are suppose to be. She has had part of her toe amputated because of diabetes. One of the signs of her oncoming diabetes was the burning and stinging she could feel in her feet. She worries about losing her eye sight because her sister when bling from diabetes. 

The above picture is a bottle of blood test strips and insulin. That bottle of insulin come only about a quater of the way full and costs $100.

Drew Danburry

Since becoming a cosmetologist I have come to recognize the art for barbering, thats why for my process I chose to photograph a barber at work doing a mens haircut.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

U.S. Military

SGT Healey
The reason why I chose to be in the military was heavily influenced by my father. Having my dad come home in his uniform proud as can be made me honored to be his son. That was just the tp of the iceberg though. Knowing that I have the ability to vote, to speak, to choose my own path I knew that the only way to really keep that was to do my part.
I felt that if I served and did a portion of service to my country I would be able to feel comfortable through my life knowing that I had done the best I could. I have served for two tours to Afghanistan and Iraq/Kuwait for a year each. I truly am honored to have helped people not just from our own country, but others in a far away land. Nothing is more exciting than the ability to give my love and passion for this country, for my flag. My God, my family, and my country are the only things that matter and helped me to pursue my career within the military. I will always continue to feel that with my choices to volunteer have only made me a better person, and of course create and construct an intimate love for my country. 

SGT Cory Hudgins
I decided to join the marines because my grandfather was a marine. I also had a deep passion to give back to a county that has given us so much.

OC Devon Renshaw
while serving a two year sabbatical for my church in Orlando, FL I felt inspired by god on a few occasions while reading the scriptures and praying about joining the armed forces. I feel deeply that it is important to serve my country to protect mine and my loved ones lives and freedoms, and to make a positive impact in the world.

Second Lieutenant: David Brasero
I joined the army for many reasons, all of them basically stem down to the fact that I feel extremely blessed. It is for this reason that I serve, I feel compelled to serve because of the blessings I have received thus far.

*The following has been asked for his name and photo not to be posted online.*
Master Sargent 
I first joined the air force purely for training, but then felt the comradery with the people I worked with and it just felt right to stay in. I realized that  could better the lives of the soldiers of the military and the people I worked with, and that I could help soldiers to better what they were already doing. i liked the people I worked with and felt that I could make a difference and help to make the military a little better in doing my part. 
The oath of enlistment are powerful words to me and reminds me of the importance of the constitution. My job means much more to me now because of the people who have died for our country.